Lake Junaluska, NC


Lambeth Inn:
Charming, elegant and historic, the Lambeth Inn is listed on the National Register of Historic Sites. It offers panoramic views of Lake Junaluska and the Blue Ridge Mountains. Amenities include: Free wireless internet, lakeview rooms, flat screen cvs, telephone, coffee makers, private baths, alarm clock radio.

The Monroe Mandolin Camp has reserved 6 rooms with 2 double beds for our participants, for either single or double occupancy.

[pictures on the website: ] Can you pull the pictures for “Lambeth One Double Room” and “Lambeth East Front Room” and “Lambeth Inn” (picture of the building.]

2. Lakeside Lodge: The Lakeside Lodge offers more motel style accommodations with private baths, coffee makers, cable television, telephone, and exterior walkways. Wifi is available in the large lobby on the ground floor. Each room offers private bathrooms, daily bedding and towel service, and 2 double beds.

The Monroe Mandolin Camp has reserved the entire Lakeside Lodge of 25 rooms for either single or double occupancy per room.

[There is an exterior photo of Lakeside Lodge that shows the exterior doors, and then there is one photo that has the interior shot of Lakeside Lodge.
if we could use both of those, that would be great.]

3. Sunnyside: Sunnyside lodging has dormitory-style rooms, with one double bed and two twin bunk beds, making them ideal for a more casual and low-maintenance lodging option. All rooms include private bathrooms and daily linen service. Sunnyside does not have wifi, but with Shackford Hall less than 100 feet away, and the camps location for classes and jams, wifi is readily available for use for all participants. Our economy lodging option for those on a strict budget. Lake views are available for a portion of these rooms.

The Monroe Mandolin Camp has reserved 25 rooms at Sunnyside for either single or double occupancy.

[There is one picture of Sunnyside Room that is available under this tab.
We’d like to use that if you can pull it.]